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How to add custom attributes to your text message
How to add custom attributes to your text message
Raquel Lopez avatar
Written by Raquel Lopez
Updated over a week ago

Customize your message for each different contact

An 'Add contact attributes' button is available in the campaign builder:

It consists of a drop-down that will show the available information of your contacts (name, city, tags, etc) and allow you to personalize the message for each contact. You will be able to set:

  • The maximum length of the variable field, important to taking into account the limit of 160 characters per SMS. For example, if you want to include the name of your contact in the message, you can indicate that it has the maximum length you consider appropriate.

  • Default value: what should appear in case there is no data for one of your contacts. If left blank, no value will appear.

  • Transform: rule about upper or lower case.

  • Whether or not to replace unicode characters with non-unicode characters.

Custom attributes will be replaced by the information associated with each contact. You can check that all values are correctly replaced with the preview available on the right (and you can try it out with several contacts).

For this case, each contact would receive a personalized message with their name.

The more contact information you have imported, the more custom attributes you can include in your messages.

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