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Predefined segments
Héctor F avatar
Written by Héctor F
Updated over a week ago

Automatic segments

In the Segments section, you will be able to create your own user groups, although you will have several default segments available, for example:

Depending on the technology you have connected, the segments will have different information. If, for instance, you connect your online store, you will find predefined segments that can greatly assist in improving your strategies:

From here, it is possible to quickly identify, among others, lost customers, customers who are likely to make a purchase soon, new users who haven't made a purchase yet, etc. In other words, a set of highly targeted groups to whom personalized communications can be sent, resulting in much higher click-through and conversion rates.

For example, the segment of customers who have made purchases but not recently (in the last 90 days) would look like this:

Click "Add Filter" to add more conditions to this user segment and narrow it down:

Now, it would show customers who have made purchases but not in the last 90 days and who clicked on the SMS campaign 'Discount Oct 2023'. From the "New Campaign" button, you can send a message directly to this segment.

You might be interested in understanding what the upcoming purchases and predicted purchases lost segments mean.

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