Paperform is a tool that allows you to create advanced contact forms. With this integration, you can receive all the data and analytics from your Paperform forms directly in Instasent.To connect your Paperform account with Instasent, follow these steps:
1. Connect
To connect Paperform go to Audience > Data Sources section and select "Paperform."
A preview will be available explaining everything you can do by connecting the app. Click on "Install."
Then, you will need to fill in a series of details:
We can add tags to these contacts and then click on "Finish."
Next, we need to click on "Setup Instructions," which we will need later:
Then, we will log into our Paperform account.
2. Paperform
Once in Paperform, we can choose to start from scratch or select a pre-built template.
For this example, we will use the Workshop Registration template:
After clicking on the first value, on the right, you will see some editable values depending on your desired configuration. For Instasent, the most important piece of data is the Question ID.
To continue, go to Instasent and look for the value that matches the one in Paperform, in this case, "_first_name".
We need to paste the value "_first_name", or the corresponding one, depending on the field we want to configure, into the Question ID field in Paperform.
For the email field, we do the same, and repeat the process for all the other values you want to include in the integration.
Note: If you receive leads from different countries, it's important to use the Country and Phone Number fields. These values will help identify the destination country when creating campaigns and sending SMS.
Finally, go to "After Submission" > "Integration & Webhooks."
Click on "Add Webhook" and then we copy the value we find on Instasent:
Now, click on "Publish" in the top right corner to finalize and publish the integration.
You can now run a test using the form you just created. In Instasent, you will see that the contact arrives instantly and without any issues.