Typeform is a tool that allows you to create advanced contact forms. With this integration, you can receive all the data and analytics from your Typeform forms directly in Instasent.
To connect your Typeform account with Instasent, follow these steps:
1. Connect
When creating a new project, select Typeform, or go to the Audience > Data Sources section and select "Typeform".
You will see a preview explaining everything you can do by connecting the app. Click "Install".
Next, fill in some basic information, decide whether to add tags to these contacts, and click "Finish":
Now, click on Setup Instructions, which we will need later.
Now, we will log into Typeform and create a new form. We will see several predefined values available to build our form:
Una vez que hayamos armado nuestro formulario con todos los datos que queramos, deberemos publicarlo.
Una vez publicado, deberemos abrir los ajustes, en el apartado de referencias:
These are the values that we need to replace with the information from Instasent.
This is how it should look like on Typeform:
Lastly, from Connect Section on Typeform, we should add a Webhook:
This is where we have to paste the code provided by Instasent:
Once we add the code, we should activate the Webhook and now we can test it:
Contacts arrive in Instasent with the required information.